Living Postcards at Startup Safary brings 8 new business women to Orange Grove in order to know them better. To learn more about them, about their visions, their goals, and what it took them to realise their dreams. Was is persistence? Passion? Ambition?

1.Loula Levendi for ''A totem fur Elita''.

2.Alexandra Theohari for ''Klotho Thread of Time''.

3.Mary Kalymnou for ''Maryhop'' and ''The Vip Excellence''.

4.Marilou Pantaki for ''Madame Ginger''.

5.Kiki Domzaridou /Polyphemus Dairy Products

6.Martha and Kelly Hatzigiannis for ''Verve Juices''.

7.Georgia Ouli for ''Mastos'' .

8.Anastasia Rizou for ''Odeia Eco cosmetics''.