Kronos SA is a private company established in the canned fruit sector since 1971. As the leader in the Greek canning industry, it is considered the largest producer in Europe and among the top five players in the world regarding canned peach.

The main product categories that Kronos produces are: canned peach, apricot, fruit cocktail, peach and apricot puree.

The factory and headquarters are located at the region of Central Makedonia, Greece close to ancient Pella – legendary home of Alexander the Great. Being in the heart of the peach growing area as well as close to Thessaloniki seaport, Kronos is strategically  positioned for receiving raw materials and have speedy access to export markets around  the world.

Kronos is an 100% exports oriented company with its main markets being the European Union countries, Eastern Europe, Russia, U.S.A., Canada, Middle East, Japan, North Africa and Australia.